Supporting Children and Young People

Our goal is to create and cultivate nurturing relationships for young people. We recruit, train and support adult volunteers to act as befrienders for children and young people aged 6-18. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to make a difference.

Making a Difference
Volunteer Befrienders choose to spend quality time with a young person in their community who needs a little extra emotional and/or social support. We provide all the necessary training and ongoing support they need and pay travel and other expenses. Volunteers find the experience extremely rewarding and genuinely enjoy the time they spend with their young person. Learn more about becoming a volunteer by getting in touch with our team today.
One Step at a Time
We know that children and young people need secure nurturing relationships within which to grow and develop. Our volunteer Befrienders provide opportunities for children and young people to try different activities, learn new skills and increase their confidence. Having a trusted adult who is commited to their wellbeing can have a life-long positive impact. Contact us to learn more or to discuss a potential referral.
Achieving Goals
With encouragement, guidance and access to the right resources, young people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfull their potential. Befrienders help young people make connections with others in their community and engage with society. Particularly for young people who have experienced significant adversity, the relationship with their Befriender can make a huge positive difference to their self-esteem and ability to cope with future challenges.

Make a lasting difference
Volunteering as a Befriender is an immensely rewarding experience. Our volunteers often tell us that they are surprised at how much they enjoy the time they spend with their young person. There are children and young people waiting for the right adult to give them the support they need to reach their potential. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about becoming a Befriender to support a young person in your community.
Professionals or families can refer
If you know/are a young person who may benefit from having a volunteer Befriender, then please email info@befrienders.scot or call us on 01546 603 144 for a chat or simply complete the referral form below and we will then contact you. We can only accept referrals for young people aged 6-16, who are living in Argyll and Bute and are experiencing/at risk of social isolation. We are unable to accept referrals for young people who require personal care or specialist health and social care services.
Fundraising Options
You can help us raise funds when you shop online by signing up to easyfundraising.org.uk and choosing "Argyll and Bute Befrienders"
You can also support our cause by buying tickets for the Argyll Community Lottery. It’s a great way to contribute towards ensuring that children and young people have access to the relational support they need - and you have the chance to win up to £25 000!


A Warm Welcome to Lucy
We are delighted to welcome Lucy McAra Neish to our team! Lucy joins us as the Project Worker for Cowal and Bute and will be working to recruit and support volunteer befrienders as well as managing referrals and reviews with young people. We are extremely grateful and excited to have her on board and look forward to the positive impact we know she will make in the community.

Find out more about our work and how you can get involved.
Scottish Charity Number: SC047812
01546 603 144